Biofuels project led by John Sedbrook awarded $13 million from DOE
Illinois State announces Redbird Pledge
Redbird alum’s voice and passions earn him inaugural Colman Domingo Award
New look and enhanced features highlight new Redbird Card
Bone Scholar nursing student driven to provide quality care
Redbirds Rising campaign reaches record-breaking conclusion
Student Life
Former UPB leader becomes leader of UPB
Three reasons to be excited about Redbird Esports’ inaugural season
School Street Food Pantry drive-thru food drive

Celebrate 30 years of ADA by supporting student access
Milner Library preserves vital history with the digitization of circus route books
Healing Justice Circle: Black Students

Civic Engagement
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Incoming Stevenson Center Fellow: Jack Hanson
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Economics course to provide real-world project data and experience
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Students create award-winning documentary on beloved community mural

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What can 14,429 Redbirds make possible?
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Recognizing College of Education donors

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Deceptive publishers begone: Cabell’s Predatory Reports is here
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Research and Honors, July 21, 2025

Four ways to separate your education and personal life in an online environment
Horticulture Center shares tips for vegetable gardening success
Overcoming dark days: ISU’s response to national mental health crisis

Take the path to financial success through this webinar
Sit down chats with Dr. Bob Bradley: Government, pandemic, and higher education
Stories from the front lines: Crystal Bricker ’10

Video: Transfer to Illinois State
A look inside housing
Why choose Illinois State?
Next Steps for Admitted Transfers
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