No current assay of DNA methylation provides single-CpG resolution, comprehensive genome-wide coverage, and cost feasibility for a typical laboratory. To address this gap, we introduce methylCRF, a novel Conditional Random Field-based algorithm that integrates methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP-seq) and methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme (MRE-seq) sequencing data to predict DNA methylation levels at single CpG resolution. Our method is a combined computational and experimental strategy to produce DNA methylomes of all 28 million CpGs in the human genome for a fraction (<10%) of the cost of whole genome bisulfite sequencing methods.
methylCRF was benchmarked for accuracy against Infinium arrays, RRBS, WGBS sequencing and locus specific-bisulfite sequencing performed on the same embryonic stem cell line. methylCRF transformation of MeDIP-seq/MRE-seq was equivalent to a biological replicate of WGBS in quantification, coverage and resolution.
This page describes how to download the methylCRF-suite of programs and run it on a MeDIP-seq/MRE-seq data set.
- methylCRF.pl - Predict genome-wide CpG methylation levels using MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq assays.
- V2rayN电脑客户端设置教程 – V2ray节点:2021-3-16 · 有了小火箭怎么使用v2ray节点? 5nm芯片加持 华为Mate40麒麟1020 滴滴司机性侵直播真相来了 Google Messages beta版迎来一个新的搜索框 v2ary节点使用的苹果小火箭在哪里下载? 中芯国际将无法继续为华为伟工芯片 V2Ray和Project V有什么不同?
小火箭免费节点公伡号 | MeDIP-seq (with with uniq alignemnts) |
MRE_seq.bed | MRE-seq (normalized read counts by MRE_norm.pl) |
小火箭收费节点在哪买 | CpG's sampled by MRE-seq. format: CpGid |
-gdir | directory with model specific files: crf.list, cut.list, model files: [crfname].mdl [dflt: mdl] |
-gdat | directory with genomic specific files: cpg.bed (Epigenetic Roadmap blacklist removed), gdata.tbl, [crfnm]_cpg.bin [dflt: gdat] |
-gap | The size of gap between consecutive CpG's for which to start a new region: 750bp was used for model in paper. [dflt: 750] |
-eid | 言小五系列教程之搬瓦工Just My Socks详细购买及使用教程 ...:2021-4-3 · 9.1.1、小火箭应该是最简单易用的IOS多协议客户端了,添加Just My Socks的v2ray节点只需要填3个参数就行了,相关参数如下: 型别:Vmess 埠:节点端口 UUID:就是那个V2RAY UUID (s3) 2021年05月22日更新: 9.2、那么梅林科学上网插件如何添加新的 |
-sfrom/-gto | Optionally only run certain steps (sfrom: start from, gto: go untill):
- a working Unix-like OS
- 小火箭免费节点公伡号
- samtools
- pre-aligned MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq libraries in bam format
- Get methylCRF code by either:
- git
git clone http://bitbucket.org/mscse/methylcrf.git
- or wget
wget http://bitbucket.org/mscse/methylcrf/get/fd50dc97b171.zip unzip fd50dc97b171.zip
- git
- Run make to compile binaries and set up links
cd methylCRF make
*Note: stay in the methylCRF directory for the following steps
- Retrieve a methylCRF model
- H1ES
wget http://gkx17h.wcbzw.com/h1es_mdl.tgz tar -zxf h1es_mdl.tgz
- H1ES
- Retrieve species-specific data files
- hg19
wget http://gkx17h.wcbzw.com/hg19/hg19_gdat.tgz tar -zxf hg19_gdat.tgz
- Please email to request other species not listed below.
- hg19
- Prepare MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq data
- Generate from sequencing experiments
- 小火箭免费节点公伡号 Generate sorted bed file of unique alignments. Note that the reads should be virtually extended to expected fragment length. The score field should 1.
- ex: chr1 <begin> <begin+length> . 1 <strand>
- MRE Generate normalized MRE counts
Retreive an MRE fragment file for. Note for 5-enzyme MRE replace '3enz' with '5enz'. (email me for other species)
wget http://gkx17h.wcbzw.com/hg19/MRE_frags/MRE_3enz_4_6000.bed
- Run MRE_norm.pl. It outputs <expr_prefix>_MRE.bed (as well as some diagnostic files)
NOTE: the call number is the number of bases that were cut off the read during sequencing (it's optional)Workflow规则-一键配置小火箭-免费ss获取 - 威锋 - 千万果粉 ...:2021-4-29 · 导入前提:您设备已经安装shadowrocekt俗称小火箭,workflow这两个软件,没有安装的自己到App store上自己下载 复制下面的地址到safari中放问题 https://work'.....
- Alternately Download preprocessed H1ES data used for the paper:
wget http://gkx17h.wcbzw.com/h1es_dipmre.tgz tar -zxf h1es_dipmre.tgz
- Generate from sequencing experiments
- Estimate Methylation by running methylCRF
for example, for the H1ES data set used in the paper:
export PATH="~/src/methylCRF/:$PATH" ./methylCRF.pl -eid H1ES -mdir h1es_mdl -gdat hg19_gdat H1ESmrg_DIP.bed H1ESmrg_MRE.bed MRE_3enz_4_6000_cpg.bin >H1ES_mCRF.bed 2>err
NOTE2: if some script can't find another, check that you have . in your path (ie, in: echo $PATH)
for example, for the H1ES data set used in the paper:
- 3 enzyme:
SsiI (CCGC),
Hin6I (GCGC)
- 4 enzyme:
above 3,
- 5 enzyme:
above 4,
Experimental Data
- H1ES
- 小火箭|详细操作教程-变化吧:2021-12-20 · 伟码形式添加:节点|使用方法 小火箭是什么:苹果 iOS Shadowrocket 小火箭及节点共享 如果你的手机还没装上该APP的话,登录美区ID 直接到AppStore进行搜索下载就可伡了。 第二步:复制节点至小火箭 详细操作视频 复制后直接打开小火箭即可添加
- MRE: normalized read counts bed
- 小火箭免费节点公伡号
Species Data
- Human
- Dog
- Zebrafish (Note: please remove rmsk_RNA from h1es_mdl/crf.list)
- Mouse
- Rat
- As more WGBS data becomes evailable, we plan to retrain methylCRF with combinations of cell-types.
- We will continue to explore the integration of more types of data.